About me…

I have used a variety of labels to describe myself throughout the years:

Athlete, Student, Corporate Leader, Entrepreneur, Mother, Daughter, Wife, Singer and many more.

Labels can be an easy way for us to claim an identity, however they come with a laundry list of “how to be the best [enter label]” guidelines that we measure ourselves against.

These guidelines (that we picked up from society, our families or others) are incredibly limiting and can have us constantly contracting to fit our big selves into tiny boxes.

I found that my constant striving to reach perfection in most, if not all, of these labels, left me unsatisfied, unfulfilled and unhappy.

And so I turned inward.

I bravely asked myself: “What do I value?”, “Why do I value it?” and “What is the brightest vision I have for my life?”

These questions changed the trajectory of my life and reconnected me to my power.

I AM and WE ARE so much more expansive than our titles, roles and labels.

We are the powerful creators of our reality and RIGHT NOW IS AN OPPORTUNE TIME FOR POSITIVE CHANGE.

What we knew to be true about the world 20, 10 or even 5 years ago, is drastically different today.

AI is reshaping how we think about work, relationships, intellectual horsepower, ethics and more.

And within all of this uncertainty and change, is an incredible opportunity to create and discover the extraordinary possibilities for our lives and the world. 


I am here to help you create and practice living in your illuminated vision for your life.

Let’s positively shape the world together!

What Others Say


“Bridgette Corridan is raw, real and speaks straight from her heart. Her vulnerability in sharing her journey was inspiring and gave me the courage to pause and explore what brings me joy and allow myself to say ‘yes’ to that. She demonstrates how to trust our own inner wisdom and guidance and follow where our heart leads us.”

- Brooklyn Sproviero, Vice President of Global Sales, HSP Group


“Bridgette is that unique leader who inspires from her whole being – mind, body and soul. She is deeply connected to the truth of who she is and works with her clients to bring forth that same authenticity. She is a joy to engage with and brings an incredibly positive spirit to her work.”

- Anne Robie, People Brilliance Officer, Darshan Leadership Consulting (Former Chief People Officer)



Clients Include:
