Inspirational Speaking


Magnetize your

Values, Vision and Voice

to unlock the

clarity and possibility

of empowered living


It is our destiny to live our one precious life in the brightest way possible and OWNING OUR VOICE is how we shine that light into the world.

As we each walk our unique path - taking one step at a time, tripping, falling, getting back up and brushing ourselves off - we learn. We learn how brilliant we are, how valuable our voice is and how we can create a life that allows us to shine.

Our Foundation (Values), our Beacon (Vision) and being brave enough to flip on our Light Switch (Voice) - empowers us to practice living our LIT UP LIFE!

On stage or in small gatherings, I share my vulnerable and powerful path to living my Lit Up Life. I share my voice through speech, song, and sound healing to inspire you to CALL IN THE LIFE THAT IS CALLING YOU - saying yes to practicing your Lit Up Life.

I share the wisdom I have gained as a Corporate Leader and Mindfulness Teacher to inspire audiences of 10’s to 1000’s in both corporate and wellness settings.

Whether speaking or singing, I aim to intentionally connect and inspire!


Speaking Topics

Videos & Photos


World Happiness Summit 2018

Flowing East & West Podcast 2021


Beyond 2019 | Mindfulness Speaker


Moderator - Overcoming Bias in High-Volume Hiring

Mindful Connection in a Remote World 2020



“Walking on a curb, but I’ve convinced myself. that I’m walking on a cliff

Scared to miss my step, afraid that if I do, I will fall into the depth

But when I open my eyes wide, I’ll see the curb ain’t very high

And even if I fall, I will get back up

And I’ll Never Give Up”

— Bridgette

(Never Give Up, Love Just Is Album - 2015)




“I have facilitated several speaking panels with Bridgette as a guest and I love the energy that she brings to a conversation. The greatest gift you can give an audience is a conversation that is authentic, vulnerable and deeply human. Bridgette’s willingness to show up and share herself freely is a gift. Her ability to laugh alongside vulnerable storytelling, brings light and joy to these conversations.”

- Aaron Kahlow, Founder, Society for Social Health & Well-Being, Conscious Leader


“I believe that whatever your experience with vulnerability has been to date, it is never too late to let go and lean in. Bridgette reminds us that there is no one right way to be vulnerable. She says, “start where you are because all we can do is learn, stumble and move forward.” If you’ve never done something before, there is a big chance you may make a mistake. Vulnerability reminds us mistakes don’t have to be good or bad, they are inevitable. The beauty of this approach is that the pressure subsides because you can switch things up mid-stream. “The times that you decide to change your approach are not because you did something ‘wrong,’ those are moments of self-realization.””

- Samantha Inch, Coach and Positive Psychology Educator
